søndag 17. april 2016

Sketchy Colors #270

Hei kjære Sketchy Colors venner ♥
Etter å ha vurdert frem og tilbake har vi i Sketchy Colors besluttet å legge ned utfordringsbloggen vår.
Det er med tungt hjertet vi skriver dette, men tiden og kreativiteten er ikke hva det engang var.
Vi takker så mye for all støtten, og all kreativiteten dere har delt med oss i alle disse årene ♥
Tusen takk for oss!
Hello dear Sketchy color friends ♥ 
 After a lot of thought, back and forth we have decided to close down our challenge blog.
It's with a heavy heart we write this, but the time and creativity isn't what it used to be.
We thank you so much for all your support, and all the creativity you have shared with us all of these years ♥ 
THANK YOU SO MUCH from all of us in the DT.

Men selvsagt skal dere få favorittene til DT på forrige utfordring.
And of course we have to share our favourites from last challenge with you.
Kaia: Et fyrverkeri av deilige farger, jeg ble glad av å se på det!!
A firework of wonderfulø colors, looking at it made me happy!!

Monica: It was a difficult choice to choose a favorite this time. I liked both of which were selected as favorites, but ultimately the choice fell on this card. Love the colors and all the delicious details.


Synnøve: Dette er et herlig kort med et flott fargelagt motiv.
This is a wonderful card with a nicely coloured image. Love the colours.

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